What is the meaning of ar agor in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of ar gau in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of ar hyn o bryd in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of ar dân in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of ar werth in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of mewn chwinciad in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of ar amrantiad in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of ar gof a chadw in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of erbyn hyn in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of cyn hyn in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of hyd yn hyn in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of gyda hyn in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of fel hyn in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of wedi hyn in Welsh?
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What is the meaning of wrth hyn in Welsh?
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