What is the meaning of औकात से ज्यादा खर्च करना in English ?
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What is the meaning of औपचारिक रूप से निवेदन करना in English ?
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What is the meaning of औद्योगिक न्यायालय in English ?
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What is the meaning of औंधे मुँह गिरा हुआ in English ?
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What is the meaning of औत्सविक in English ?
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What is the meaning of औद्योगिक बस्ती in English ?
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What is the meaning of औपचरिकता in English ?
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What is the meaning of औदात्य in English ?
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What is the meaning of औद्योगिक मनोविज्ञान in English ?
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What is the meaning of औदरिक प्रसव in English ?
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What is the meaning of औद्योगिक संबन्ध in English ?
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What is the meaning of औजार in English ?
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What is the meaning of औदरीय धमनी in English ?
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What is the meaning of औपचारिक बैठक in English ?
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What is the meaning of औद्योगिक हड़ताल in English ?
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